Sunday March 04 2012 – it was announced that the SoL is getting prepared or rezoning. Slowly but surely this exciting project is starting to move forward. This is part of what Mark wrote to the architect.

“Please proceed with the application for rezoning ERF 69 & 68 as discussed telephonically the other day and keep in consideration that once the Melville Spiritualist Church Trust has taken transfer of the properties it will approach the Council for a relaxation of the Rates and Taxes charge. The trust will be registered as an N.P.O.”

The SoL proposed healing centre is going to need qualified ‘Spiritual Healers’ – and the first of a day-long course with Liz Viviers has been arranged, for Saturday 10 March 2012. If you are interested or would like to assist or advise in anyway, please contact Diane Hayter or the Melville Spiritualist Church web master.