Healing: Sundays 09h15 – 09h45
Church Service: Sundays 10h00 – ± 11h00
JOHN 4:24
SECRETARY: Helen Dodge
TREASURER: James Sharkey
GENERAL MEMBERS: Colin Mackrory, Mark Lehmann, Elaine Whitham, Storm Napier
To all our precious members,
Christmas is now approaching, and it is always a good time to reflect on the year that is now coming to an end.
2016 has been a challenging year for many. And yet, amongst the challenges there have been wonderful moments that help us to remember the joy of giving, of sharing, of being part of a community that believes in the power of Love.
Many charities have benefitted from our commitment to share a percentage of our love offerings. The Folk festival brought many new friends to share in the music, wonderful food, and interesting stalls. Our Sanctuary of love community embraces these special days, working together to create a wonderful atmosphere which enchants our visitors.
The Chapel Bells!
A new take on the song “When the Chapel Bells Were Ringing”
I wonder how many rehearsals they had to do to
perfect this? Or how they keep a straight face.
Share the laughter!
Our Christmas lunch on the 4th of December is a bring-and-share lunch. Please come and join us and bring your family and friends. Bring your own refreshments, cutlery and
Our choir has introduced new music, which has lifted the vibrations in our Sanctuary on a Sunday morning. Thank You to the dedicated choir members who practice on Saturday mornings. Sunday morning services are a joy with guitars, and all the other musical instruments. The development circle running in our Sanctuary is growing and soon we will be seeing some new faces on our platform.
Gail MacIntosh has started a craft morning on a Thursday to teach and share her amazing knowledge on a variety of subjects. This is a wonderful opportunity to get together with some very talented ladies and learn a new skill. Included is lots of laughs and a cup of tea. A donation to the Sanctuary is appreciated.
Charlie Nicholson and Lorna Arntzen, two precious members passed away this year. We hold them, and their families in our prayers, along with all the other members whose names are in our healing book.
“Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice
in the depth of our hearts.”― Mother Teresa ( http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/838305.Mother_Teresa )
We would like to wish each one of our members a blessed Christmas.
“May the Blessings of Christmas be with you,
May the Christ Child light your way,
May God’s holy angels guide you,
And keep you safe each day.”
“May you be blessed
With the spirit of the season, which is peace,
The gladness of the season, which is hope,
And the heart of the season, which is love.”
Christmas Joke: As a little girl climbed onto Santa’s lap, Santa asked the usual, “And what
would you like for Christmas?” The child stared at him open mouthed and horrified for a minute,
then gasped, “Didn’t you get my E-mail?”
By Adam Sandler
We are privileged to be able to add you or your loved ones to our prayer list, so please let us know if anyone, any situation or animal is in need of healing and we will pray together as a Sanctuary.
Meditation Circle:
Elaine Whitwam is running a circle at the Sanctuary on Fridays at from 13h30 – 14h30.
Church members offering various modalities:
Dr Dianne Visser 082 340 3492
Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, Counselling, Clairvoyant Readings, Reiki, Reflexology
Estelle Pettican 076 212 1600 Clairvoyant Readings
Les Bedser 074 829 2646 Clairvoyant Readings – Evidential mediumship. Path of Light Course
Clyde Mitchel 082 779 2315 Spiritual Healing and Indian Head Massage. House Sitting Services.
Elaine Whitwam 082 3377702 Trauma support group
Sandy Morris 084 587 6134 Gentle Bihar Yoga at Tweni Library
Helen Dodge 084 987 2018 Circle Dancing
Mary Wood 071 157 3939
“Nia” on a Tuesday mornings at Eugene’s Dojo in Hibberdene. Exercise routines of pilates/yoga DVD – R100
Kelly Kramer 082 561 7897 Scio Biofeedback Therapist – Quantum Energy Healing Therapy