Aug 31, 2013 | Melville Spiritualist Church
An original song peformed live by Mim Erasmus at a Freedom Day charity festival organised by South African music icon Dave Marx.
Aug 16, 2013 | Melville Spiritualist Church, Spiritualism
DVD 3eZ Sol 2137 Cleansing & Sealing. A Sacred Commitment to the Development of the Manitowoc College Ceremony Conducted & Narrated by Sharron Norton. For archive reference & personal use only NOT FOR SALE or BROADCAST Donations to the Sanctuary of Love,...
Aug 16, 2013 | Communing With God, Spiritualism
Spiritualism means many things to many people to some it is a philosophy, to some a religion, to some the science behind mediumship and evidence of life after death along with the natural laws of cause and effect, to some it is the life long study and attainment of...