SoL December Newsletter

MELVILLE  SPIRITUALIST  CHURCH December 2012 “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Gandhi Our greetings to all at this special time of year.  Yes, Christmas is here again and as always we see the hustle and bustle of...
St. Martins Child & Youth Care Centre

St. Martins Child & Youth Care Centre

RE: DONATION OF TOYS AND CLOTHING On behalf of the Board of Management, staff, and children of St Martins Child & Youth Care Centre we would like to thank you for the donation of clothing and toys that you collected for our Home. Your donation was received in good...
Peter Keller

Peter Keller

My Journey to Forever, From Forever to Beyond and The Road to Forever written by Peter Keller deal with various aspects of Spirituality and the continuity of Live in the Flesh and in Spirit. The author spent most of his working life serving in ships and boats at...