Dec 8, 2011 | Events, Melville Spiritualist Church
Thanks to all for making this such a special magic music & weather day; for supporting the SoL / 3rdEar / Folk & Acoustic Music Picnic and keeping the rain at bay. How’s that for being treated special?… almost 5 weeks of non-stop rain and wind, and @ our...
Dec 8, 2011 | Events, Spiritualism
>> << Drunvalo Melchizedek Part 1 Mayans and 12-21-12 AN INTERVIEW WITH DRUNVALO MELCHIZEDEK – 10/28/11 From Lilou Mace and “Juicy Living” (About 1 hour)...
Dec 8, 2011 | Events, Spiritualism
The SoL Website received this from Di Visser; it comes from her friend in India, Jollean Matsen. Since my course with Barbara Marx Hubbard and The Shift Network, life has taken on a whole new garment of feeling and groundedness and this led me now to the gifts offered...