CHAIRPERSON:  Sandy Morris
SECRETARY: Helen Dodge
TREASURER: James Sharkey
GENERAL MEMBER: Tina Thomas, Colin Mackrory, Mark Lehmann

Greetings dear Members

As can be seen above, there are a few changes to the committee.

We welcome the newly elected members and know that the continuation and strengthening of our beautiful Sanctuary can only flourish in their capable hands!

I am sure you have noticed the new walkway …. And the balustrades, many thank you’s to Tina and Colin who were in the ‘front line’ on both these projects. Not quite complete to our satisfaction …yet, but will get there. Balustrades will be erected on the new walk way in the New Year.



With this event now behind us, there still exists a small window of opportunity to add items as Dave is not quite complete with the production of the Media goodies we are still to place in the Capsule, speak to me (Mark) or Dave in this regard.

Attached are copies of the Group Photos we wish to place in the Capsule, if anybody feels ‘left out’ please forward your photo to me or Dave and we will include it.


GOD is a Spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and Truth. 

John 4:24

We are privileged to be able to add you or your loved ones to our prayer list, so please let us know if anyone, any situation or animal is in need of healing and we will pray together as a Sanctuary.

Healing prayers needed

We ask that you please continue to hold Dianne & Mel Hayter in your prayers.

Clairvoyant Day – This has been postponed until the New Year.

Year End Christmas 13th December 2015 

Please diarize Sunday, 13th December for our Christmas lunch which will start after the service.  The arrangements are “Bring and Share”.  You are requested to kindly bring along a salad or side dish or pudding.  The Sanctuary will provide the meats.

Please don’t forget to bring your own drinks, cutlery and crockery.  We do need to know the number of people attending so please let Tina know as soon as possible.

Claim the Joy in This Moment – Jack Armstrong

Giving thanks for the unseen blessings – of the moment, as well as those yet to appear – is critically important. Do not lose the perspective of the finite nature of your journey. Each day – indeed each moment – is a gift to be cherished and celebrated and acknowledged.

At this very moment, souls are entering and leaving the physical plane. Each of them, like you, chose their journey for learning and growth – and for the thrill and joy of the adventure. Do not allow the illusions to dampen the joy. You can recapture it and claim it and accept it and relish it at any moment, for it is always present, even though it might be obscured by the clouds of doubt and discouragement, which are ephemeral.

Simply claim the joy. It is yours for the claiming – always, in every moment. You have not lost your way. I am always with you, and “salvation” (in the best sense of the word) is always available on a moment’s notice. Bless you, my child. Have fun today!

I am a joyous being of light. I am a spiritual being making my way through life’s journey and remembering, again and again, my true identity. I express that identity, easily and effortlessly, and all of its qualities – joy, peace, love, light, enthusiasm – are the essence of God, of Source. I am its expression in the world, and I am free of the fruitless attempts by my conscious mind to create doubt and confusion and fear and negativity. I reject those emotions, for they are illusions, and I am free.

As the year draws to a close, we give thanks for your attendance and support throughout the year.

We have all had our ups and downs and challenges, such is life!  But rather remember the good times and enormous daily blessings like the gift of sight, of mobility, a plate of food. As life unfolds on this crazy, beautiful planet we call home, let’s be inspired to be the warriors of light.  We know who we are surrounded and supported by in Spirit …. So, let us not forget the true meaning of Christmas and the message of forgiveness, peace, love and goodwill to all Beings.

May you go in safety and return in safety



Meditation Circles:

Elaine Whitwam is running a circle at the Sanctuary on Fridays at from 1pm – 2pm.

Church members offering various modalities:


Dr Dianne Visser – 082 340 3492 Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, Counselling, Clairvoyant Readings, Reiki, Reflexology
Estelle Pettican – 076 212 1600 Clairvoyant Readings
Les Bedser – 074 829 2646 Clairvoyant Readings – Evidential medium-ship
Path of Light Course, weekly
Clyde Mitchell  – 082 779 2315 Spiritual Healing and Indian Head Massage

House Sitting Services for Pets and Homes.

Elaine Whitwam–  082 3377702 Trauma support group
Sandy Morris -084 587 6134 Gentle Bihar Yoga at Tweni Library
Helen Dodge – 084 987 2018 Circle Dancing, at the Venture Inn, Friday evenings, suggested donation R40 per session.
Mary Wood – 071 157 3939


Come and join me for “Nia” on a Tuesday mornings at Eugene’s Dojo in Hibberdene.  I also have an Exercise routine of pilates/yoga DVD –  R100
Michelle Pugin – 071 119 3994 Dreamcatchers
Kelly Kramer – 082 561 7897 Scio Biofeedback Therapist – Quantum Energy Healing Therapy in Tweni