ACTING CHAIRPERSON: Dianne Visser 039 695 2344 / 082 340 3492
SECRETARY: Elaine Whitwam 039 684 6745 / 082 337 7702
TREASURER: Marcia de Kock 039 681 2759 / 082 659 7385
MEDIA LIASON: Kerry-Lee Jesson 083 271 7439
GENERAL MEMBERS: Pat Hamman 039 681 3530 / 072 982 7551
Clyde Mitchell 033 681 2982 / 082 779 2315
Platform workers for November, 2014
2nd November Marcia De Kock Elaine Whitwam Dianne Visser
9th November Edwina Badenhorst Roy Harvey Roy Harvey
16th November Sam Bedser Frank von Vloten Les Bedser
23rd November Dianne Hayter Gail Kevin Matthews
30th November Clyde Mitchell Pam Hughes Pam Hughes
Message from Dianne Visser:
Have we lost our fire? Have we become so overwhelmed by the daily challenges that we have forgotten that within each one of us there is a flame, an inner fire that can never be put out. We acknowledge that our inner fire often grows dim. The fire of our faith, hope and love weakens and needs to be rekindled. There is always a spark within, waiting for us, and it is up to us, to want to honour and feed that little spark. May each one of us make a commitment to rekindle and encourage our own flame. And then when our flame is burning bright, we are able to share our Light, and the more we share our Light, the greater the Illumination will be.
Unfortunately our Clairvoyant Day has had to be postponed until early next year.
Christmas Lunch – will be held on 14th December after the service. The cost will be R30 per person, payable by 7th December for catering purposes.
Our new charity drive for 2015 will be for Those Who Cannot Speak, the Animal Organisations in our area and local community.
Assistance to our own members is always available but needs to be motivated in writing to the committee.
There’s Nothing Like It
It’s the heart connection, dear ones. Innate is what creates emotion.
Let me tell you that innate helps you fall in love. Innate gives you energies that you can’t explain. Innate makes you just a little nuts (nobody can explain the “in love” feeling), but innate knows all about it.
Innate can change every cell of your body, and it will ring true with information and help for you personally. This will create more discernment and a wise Human.
There’s nothing like it, and the most important thing is that “truth is truth”, and more and more Humans will see what you see. Can you see how innate would serve humanity and how it shakes hands with your Higher-Self and knows about God?
From Kryon Live Channel “The Mysterious Innate”
Meditation Circles:
Elaine Whitwam is running a circle at the Sanctuary on Fridays at from 1pm – 2pm. We are in need of another circle, as there have been requests from several people who are wishing to develop within a circle. Please contact Dianne should you be willing to start a circle, either at your home or at the Sanctuary.
Library: Have a chat to Pat Hamman. There are some lovely books – have a browse.
Church members offering various modalities:
Dr Dianne Visser – 082 340 3492, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, Counselling, Clairvoyant Readings, Reiki, Reflexology
Estelle Pettican – 076 212 1600, Clairvoyant Readings
Les Bedser – 074 829 2646, Clairvoyant Readings – Evidential medium ship
Clyde Mitchell – 082 779 2315, Spiritual Healing and Indian Head Massage
Elaine Whitwam – 082 337 7702, Trauma support group, meets twice a month, on a Wednesday, at 16h00, Southport Library.
Kerry-Lee Jesson – 083 271 7439, Sunshine Yoga Studio, Classes Mon – Sat.