The most wasted day of all is the one without laughter : E. E. Cummings
Our greetings to one and all. It has been a while since our last news letter so we want to update all of you on what has been happing at the Sanctuary.
The Music Festival on Freedom Day was a great success and we managed to almost double our profit from last year and made R7000.00. Our grateful thanks go out to the Community Police Forum who organized the full funding for all the performers. Thanks to all of you from our Sanctuary who were here to help make the day run smoothly. Your time and effort is greatly appreciated.
Our next event to raise funds is in July when we will be having a Clairvoyant day. As Sandy is away for 6 weeks all bookings can be done through Estelle Pettican 039 6951426. We are sorting out the workers who will be doing readings and once that is done we will let you know who they are as well as the date, if you want to book for your own reading.
The embankment at the rear of the church is still ongoing. We have had to get a civil engineer in to look at the problem and hopefully work will start soon to remedy the problem.
A very dear and special lady, May Tittensor has passed into spirit this past week and she will be sorely missed. May came from Durban and did the platform at our church for many years and always managed to make us laugh and smile. We know that although she is physically gone her beautiful soul will always be part of our sanctuary. With her unshakable faith and love for all things we know that her transition was a happy and easy one.
For all the healers, please remember that healing starts at 9.15 and you are required to be here a little before time. For anyone who would like to have healing done for them, the healers are available from 9.15 till 9.45.
Just to confirm, for those who are not sure who the committee comprises of we have:
Estelle as Chairlady – Sandy as Secretary – Cynthia as Treasurer – Clyde as Healing co-ordinator – Kerry Lee as general member – Tina as general member and Joan as general member. Please don’t hesitate to approach any of the committee if you need to speak to someone.
Hectors on going ill health has seen him admitted to Greys Hospital in Petermaritzburg where he is undergoing tests, having scans and if needed will have a major operation. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.
We have three memorial plates which are to go onto the memorial wall at the front of the church. Anyone who wants information about memorial plates can contact Cynthia.
Remember folks; if you know of someone in the congregation who is need of help please let the committee know. It will be confidential of course and we will do what we can to assist. Even if you personally have a need, let us know, after all, you are part of our spiritual family and we care about each and everyone here.
Any ideas, suggestions, complaints you have, we would like you to approach us so that we can keep making our Sanctuary run smoothly. As we have said before, this is your spiritual home and without you it would not be here.
May God Bless you all and surround you with love and grace.
Estelle Pettican