Melville Spiritualist Church
August 2012 Newsletter
Everything in your life is there as a vehicle for your transformation. Use it!
By Ram Das
Our greetings to everyone at the Melville Spiritualist Church. The past month has flown by quickly and we hope that each day passed has been kind to you. It has been so wonderful to walk through the Sanctuary doors and see our beautiful Angel looking down upon us. Once again, a very big thank you to Patricia for bringing this blessing to us.
The AGM of the Church of the Universal Mind was attended by Estelle, Sandy and Mark Lehmann on 11.8.2012 and during the General section of the meeting our plans and progress of our new centre was discussed and we had a positive response from all present. One interesting matter was brought up by May Tittensor. She felt very strongly about the different churches not going under the name of Spiritualist Church. Instead there are many different names given and the word Spiritualist does not appear at all. As she stated, we should all feel proud to be Spiritualists and not hide under different titles. This is something that Spirit has spoken about many times and they have encouraged us to stand fast in our way and belief. Dianne Visser and her family have returned home. Welcome back. We hope that your leg is healing and that you will soon be back at church.
Our thanks to Charlie for bringing rubble to fill in the problem areas around the church. What would we do without you. Our very sincere condolences to Charlie and Hester, who have had family members pass into spirit over the past few weeks. Please know that our prayers are with you. A voucher for groceries was gifted to a member of the congregation this month. Please remember, if there are any folk who need help please let one of the committee members know and we will do our best to give them what we can in order to make their lives a little easier. It is wonderful to see Barbara back at church. Thank you Pat for making this possible.
Our idea of a Wall of Remembrance has been well received by most of you so we will have further discussion about how we are going to move forward with this project. All ideas are welcomed. Remember, this is your Spiritual home and you all have a say in what happens in it.
We are hoping to have a Clairvoyant day in November to raise funds for the Sanctuary. The date will be confirmed soon and we hope that it is going to be a successful event. A name for our future center has been decided on with the guidance of Spirit and will be known as The Manitowoc College. The word Manitowoc means House of the Great Spirit. Let us know your thoughts on this please.
My thanks to my committee once again for their dedication and the work they are doing. Clyde is doing a great job with the healers and we congratulate all those who have now qualified. And last but not least, our thanks each one of you who support our
Sanctuary. We look forward to seeing you every Sunday. Our thanks as well go to all the workers who come from other areas to bring us teachings and spiritual guidance. We really appreciate the time you give us. Spring is in the air and our days are getting warmer and brighter.
Enjoy! May God be with you all, with your families and in your homes to keep you all safe and Blessed. Till next time. NAMASTE to everyone.
Estelle Pettican