Greetings to all with love and light to each and everyone.
Wow, the month of June has come and gone by so fast and here we are, into July. We have been pretty busy sorting things out at the Sanctuary and are glad to report that the second healing room is now cleared out. My very sincere thanks to all who gave of their time, rolled their sleeves up and helped. It was a pretty hectic morning, and for some, afternoon.
All donated books, clothes, brick a brack etc. has been distributed to different charities and to those who have need of them. Dave has also taken items for the purpose of creating an archive of the history of the church. We found some old long playing records as well as the original hymn books used for the services. We are in the process of finding a new host for our website and Mark and Dave are busy working on this project. Hopefully it will make life a little easier for Dave. It is with tremendous gratitude that we accept Mark’s offer to finance this website for the next year, after which it will become the responsibility of the church. .
As most of us know, Dianne Visser has had a pretty big setback. After a fall down some stairs she broke her ankle quite badly and is still not able to walk. We all hope and pray that she will be well enough to enjoy her holiday with her son in England albeit in a wheelchair. (Really Di, there are easier ways to make sure you get on the plane first!!)
One of our founder members, Barbara Caldicotte has been unwell for some time and is now at Anerley Haven. It would be wonderful for her to see a few faces from the sanctuary so please pay her a visit when you are passing by. I am sure she will appreciate it.
A bit of disturbing news from our Durban mediums Janet and May. They were in Janet’s car when some men smashed the car windows in what is assumed an attempted hi-jack. Thankfully Janet heard her son in spirit tell her to put her foot down and get away fast. She did as she was told and except for some scratches from the broken glass, she and May got away safely. Of course, the trauma of such an incident will be with them for some time. We are just happy that they are both okay. Please everyone, be vigilant and safe at all times. We never know when it can happen to us.
We have had the low branches and big branches overhanging the road to the sanctuary removed as they presented a problem.
Thanks to Clyde who has got a proper roster for the healing work done before each service and a very big thanks to all of those who completed the advanced healing course. Certificates were handed out at our last service and those who were not present can contact Di Hayter to collect theirs. Our Sanctuary is growing, our healers are working and things are moving in a forward and positive direction. And it’s all thanks to those who support us with their presence week after week, work with us and give of their time.
We are having a rain water tank fitted next to the building, hopefully before the rainy season starts. The reason for this is that when the building of the new center starts we will have water for building without having to pay higher water bills.
Once again, we ask anyone who has attended church on a regular basis in the past year, would like to train to do the chair contact me. It is so important that our congregation be involved in the services.
Our very best wishes to all who celebrate birthdays or anniversaries this month. May you all be blessed and enjoy a new year of good health and peace. Cynthia and Dianne, we wish you happy travels and hope you both have a wonderful holiday.
Once again, thank you to every one for their support and love.
Remember, no one is any less or any more important than another. We are all God’s children and in His eyes, we are equal.